Transmited Diseases Observation and Control System

Project Objective: Improved some preventive measure suggestions for decreasing “water, food, vector and human borne outbreaks” which probably increased due to climate changes and provided to took preventive measures.
Project Area/Site: Seyhan Meadow: Karataş district, Tuzla and Yunusoglu regions, Yumurtalık and Karaisalı districts
Project Duration: 12 mounts
Total Project Cost: 139.742,00 USD
Applicant Organization: Cukurova University Tropical Diseases Research and Application Center
Project Partners: Adana Health Province Directorate, Adana Fight Against Tuberculosis Society
Brief Project Description
Within the project; the aim is to inform nomadic people who have migrated to our region and settled within Seyhan basin’s riverside and related channels especially in city of Adana, Karatas county, Tuzla and Yunusoglu towns, Yumurtalık and Karaisali county’s particularly from southeast and east Anatolia because of the climate change about the recognition and treatment of outbreaks that have been detected among those people , the determination of vectors and prevent possible outbreaks’ source and paths to depending on the climate change, ongoing migration movement towards our region particularly from southeast and east Anatolia region.
The number of nomadic people in this region is predicted as more than 12.000, however, since those people don’t have residency permit the accurate number is still anonyms. In this study, at least 3.600 nomadic people are determined as a target group. In order to identify outbreaks, the materials will be taken from nomadic people who will be selected randomly aside from routine visits, healthy but have clinically gripe people, periodically screened people, environmental materials samples such as water and food, mosquitoes, gnats, ticks, and murine germs. Microorganisms that will be isolated from the samples and nucleic acid samples (DNA/RNA) belong to these microorganisms and some molecules such as RT-PCR, PFGE, and PCR-RFLP will be identified by epidemiological methods, also desiccation of possible resources and training to nomadic people about infection ways will be provided as well. In the project, collaboration and joint field study will be made between project partners and relevant outside entities (Provincial Directorate of Agriculture, Regional Veterinary Lab., Food Control Lab., and Regional Lab. Of Hygiene Institute) and the outcomes is intended to be presented as sets of recommendations to entities’ higher authorities. The level of knowledge of nomadic people about house and environmental hygiene will increase by providing trainings.
Project outcomes report and risks maps which will be prepared at the end of the project will be published and shared with involved parties.
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